Thursday, March 17, 2011

Battle Los Angeles

Battle Los Angeles is a pure combat movie. There is no character development, no big picture, just good guys vs bad guys in an urban environment. As a movie that just follows a platoon as they execute a simple rescue mission that goes sour, Battle Los Angeles works very well. Staff Sgt Nantz is also the role that Aaron Eckhardt was born to play.

At times, the movie seems like a recruiting film for the US Marines, but let's just assume that's the nature of war movies and not a Pentagon plot. If you had to make the obvious comparison, I would say I liked Battle Los Angeles a bit more than Independence Day because of its simplicity and its lack of humor. It's a combat movie and not much else.

Here is something I thought about on the drive home from the theater. Movies or TV shows where Michelle Rodriguez plays a bad-ass:
Battle Los Angeles
The Fast & the Furious
Resident Evil

Movies or TV shows where Michelle Rodriguez is hot without vamping it up:
Battle Los Angeles
The Fast & the Furious
Resident Evil

Hmm... 100% overlap. As far as I'm concerned, this is not a bad form of typecasting.


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